Yoga: A way of connecting your body to the soul!

"Yoga, literally, means “union.” This union can be understood on different levels: philosophically, as that of the relative, limited self with the absolute Self; religiously, as that of the individual soul with the Infinite Spirit; psychologically, as the integration of the personality – a state wherein a person no longer lives at cross-purposes with himself; emotionally, as the stilling of the waves of likes and dislikes, permitting one to remain in all circumstances complete in himself."

Swami Kriyananda excerpted from Art and Science of Raja Yoga

Yoga is taught over the world in all possible forms, you name it from hot yoga to Ashtanga yoga. 

Many people think Ashtanga means eight limbs just physical stretching or just another form of exercise. Few people think  yoga is a Satanic thing and some think that since they belong to different religion, they have been asked not to do.

Yoga is the ancient cultural heritage of India. It is a great contribution to the world community in venture of cultivating humanity at its best.

The term yoga is derived from the Sanskrit Root 'Yuji' to unite the human consciousness with the divine consciousness.

Maharshi Patanjali name is identified with yoga as he gather together and codified the principles that were scattered in many philosophical texts.

There are mainly 4 streams of yoga.
1. Gyana yoga - gaining knowledge by contemplation.
2. Raja Yoga - psychic control and culturing the mind.
3. Karma Yoga - incentive oriented work.
4. Bhakti yoga - culturing of emotions.

Raja Yoga the development of mind so that it is able to attain the ultimate state of Super-Consciousness.

Raja Yoga starts with exercises to maintain a body and mind of Radiant health and then  goes on to explore the potential for great mental powers in all human beings.
Therefore yoga is not just a set of Asanas, it requires one to follow a disciplined life style and that means to forgo indulgence in sensual pleasure and creature Comforts as well as assiduous cultivation of mental awareness.
Yoga means the control of thought waves in the mind i.e. Chitta.
Chitta , the Mind is made up of three components,
viz  Masnas,  Buddhi,  Ahamkara.
Manas is modification of the impressions gathered by the senses from external world.
Buddhi is the modifications of these impressions and reaction to them.
Ahamkara is the modification of the inner sense which claims these impressions as its own and stores them up as individual knowledge.

The mind has five states:

1. Kshipta -  Chitta which is disturbed and remains running after worldly objects.
2. Moodha - There is preponderance of the tamas overpowered by dullness and sleep.
3. Vikshipta -  The chitta oscillates between the success and failure created by rajas gunas.
4. Ekagrata  -  Chitta fixed on one subject due to preponderance of sattva.
5. Niruddha  -  Only sanskaras in chitta after the cessation of the modifications of the chitta lead to sattva over rajas and tamas in form of enlightenment.

Eight fold path "Ashtanga yoga" is divided into three heads.

. Adhikara yoga - The yogic way of life made up of yamas and niyamas.

. Bahiranga yoga - The external yogic practice made up of asana, Pranayama, pratihara
. Antharanga yoga - The internal yogic practice made up of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.

According to Patanjali yoga Sutra-

यम नियमासन प्राणायाम प्रत्याहार

धारणा ध्यान समाध्योष्टंग्वानि।

Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi the eight created principles of ashtanga yoga Patanjali.

These cover all aspects of human life. They lead to ethical Foundation physical well being mental harmony and spiritual consciousness.

Yama-self restraint. Emphasis the negation of immortal traits in human personality.

Niyam- ethical observances.

Asana - physical postures.

Pranayama - disciplining the breath.

Pratyahara- withdrawal of senses.

Dharana  - concentration.

Dhyana- meditation.

Samadhi - super consciousness which leads to enlightment.


Ahimsa(Non violence) sathya(truth) Asteya(not cheating) Brahmacharya (celibacy) and Aparigraha (not collecting unwanted things)are the five Yama's.

।अहींसा सत्यास्तेया ब्रह्मचर्यापरिग्रह यमः।

। एते जाति देश, काल, समया
 अनवाच्छिन्नः सार्वभौम।

 they constitute the universal vow that applies without any limitation of religious, affiliation, country, time or occasion.

 Niyama :

 शौच संतोष तपः स्वाध्याय

 ईश्वरपप्रणिधानि नियमः।

 शौच(soucha) - physical and mental purity

 संतोष (santhosha) - contentment
 तपः(tapah/tapas) - austerity
 स्वाध्याय(swadhyaya) study of scriptures and knowing about one self.
 ईश्वरपप्रणिधानि(ishwar pranidhana) - surrender to god-higher reality. The
 significance of niyamas is concerned with individual Ecology and achievement
 as well as maintenance of health, balance, harmony and happiness in our
 body mind- intellect- complexes.

Asana :

This is the third part of ashtanga yoga of Maharshi Patanjali. Asanas should be performed with four kinds of bhavas (expression) and fall under Dharma, gyana, vairagya Aishwarya.

The Bhava is felt along with the asana.

All meditative asana fall under Dharma for example Padmasana , Sukhasana, Vajrasana etc

All asanas with coordination between the mind body and breath fall under Bhava gyana for example Parvatasana, Tadasana, Vrikshasana etc...

All forward bending asanas which generate a feeling of surrender or  let go fall under the Bhava of Vairagya  i. e. yoga Mudra Paschimo-ttanasana, etc..

All backward bending asanas which give a sense of achievement fall under the Bhava of Aishwarya bhujangasana, halasana, etc..

Asanas are physical exercises with their gentle movements, deep breathing and long stretches. They are an ideal method of relaxation and energizing.

Asana strengthen the nervous system and help the mind and body to optimise their potential.
Yoga Asana help the mind find a new calm and so prepares the body for meditation.
All Asanas are named after mountains, trees, animals and actions.
The ancient Rishis in India living in jungle and natural surroundings had keenly observed various animals, birds etc.
releasing all the stress and strain by assuming certain physical positions. They initiated them understood that when the body is kept steadily in such a position The Mind gets automatic rest.
Parvatasana, Tadasana, Vrikshasana etc..are names related to mountains and trees.
Shashankasana, Simhasana, Gomukhasana, Marjarasana, vyaghrasana, Bhujangasana are some depending on animal postures.
Namaskarasana, Chakrasana, Halasana, kashtikasana, trikonasana, shavasana, are few names depended on actions and poses. Some like Padmasana Siddhasana and vajrasana are congenial for meditation.
Benefits of doing asanas are gaining mastery over the mind and induce rest and relaxation even more than what sleep can provide us.
The posture that enables a person to sit with spine, chest and neck straight is suitable in asana.
All yogasanas focus on the spine relax.
A relaxed and upright posture is extremely important for keeping alert.
Asanas help in body and mind control.

Pranayama :

तस्मिन सति  श्वास-प्रश्वासयोः।

गति विच्छेदः प्राणायामः।

Pranayama is the exercise of motion of inhalation and exhalation of breath in particular following perfection there in. Pranayama trains in rhythmic breathing.

Prana is the auto energizing force.
The  inhalation fans the element of fire and water for them to fuse so that they blend to form a new bio electrical energy.
This new bio- electrical energy is called Prana in yogic terms.
(Riff: BKS Iyengar, article- light on Hatha yoga).

''As the electricity is generated from falling water yogic Pranayama helps the spindles off the air cells to act as turbines for the production of energy to enjoy hundred percent health and happiness.

The energy obtained through  Pranayama is Stored in the 7 Chambers of the spine known as Chakras and discharge the energy when the body and mind need two face the upheavals in life... ''

The Pranayama is practised after one practices Asanas.
Right practice of Pranayama brings glow in the eyes, health in the body, clarity in thinking and calmness in the mind.

Pratyahara :

स्वविषयासंप्रयोगे चितस्वरूपानुकर

 इवेंद्रियाणांप् प्रत्याहारः।

The introversion of various sense organs by restraining them from the objects and getting control over the overindulgence in sensual pleasures, so that one May pursue higher goals in life and achieve real bliss.

Bahiranga yoga consist of asanas Pranayama and pratyahara with which body is kept strong, supple and healthy. Asanas give exercise to different parts of the body including nerves and muscles. Pranayama energizes the body purifies the blood. Pratyahara gives relaxation to senses, develops exhilaration. Through Bahirang
a yoga mind is disciplined and directed to control the Panchendriyas - the five senses of the body. Thus an abiding state stable equilibrium is reached paving the way to successful for practice of Antharanga yoga.
Antharanga yoga consists of Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

Dharana -

is the fixing of mental being onto an object.
Dharana is concentration. concentration is the primary step of Raja Yoga for inner illumination.
Its next advanced stage is meditation.
Concentration means one pointedness of the mind according to one's will. By acquiring this power for the individual becomes master of his  mind and controls its fluctuation. The  involvement of Mind becomes selective for desirable purpose.
It is strongly held in Yoga that unless distraction of the mind is controlled and its energy is properly channeled towards the desired purpose nothing worth is accomplished.
Gazing at the burning candle or a flower in the pot for 15 rounds of 10 seconds may develop concentration. when closing eyes if you see the object of concentration through our inner eye we have attained concentration. with concentration practice mental disorders are cured.
Dharana helps perceiving through the Intellect. In kathopanishad it is said' the self hidden in all beings  does not Shine forth but it is perceived through one pointed and Subtle Intellect. Thus the act of detaching The Mind from worldly objects and focusing it on the subtle subjects of soul and Supreme soul is Dharana.

Dhyana -

Dhyana is meditation.

Meditation is part of yoga. yoga is disuniting  the Mind from the disturbing influences.
concentration of mind is essential step of meditation. challenge faced by every meditator is the threat of mind. Mind is always over powered by instincts. One has to get over it and lead it in the divine channel.
concentration brings self control which is so intimately requisite for an ascending tread of meditation.
 Patanjali says if the object of meditation is God then think of God alone no other thoughts should enter the mind while meditating. once this concentration is achieved hold it unwaveringly without modification even for few seconds. This constitutes dhyana.
"whatever our mind dwells upon in meditation that we become "so meditation of God make our mind God like we start loving truth and follow the good principles of life.
The following methods are useful to make mind peaceful strong and free of tension.
concentration and meditation
The various methods influence concentration and meditation. 

Begin to meditate after Pranayama.

There is three fold process in meditating

*Awareness of the meditator.
*the object of meditation.
*the process of meditation.
* select one topic for meditation.
*the topic of meditation should be purposeful.
*see that one Get Enough oxygen, lack of oxygen in the system causes depression yawning and sleep.
*pure diet with lot of fruits and vegetables is suitable. food should be warm and fresh.
*atmosphere may be created with chiming of Bells, incense, burning of lights, m clean environment, clean clothes and clean body.
*in village atmosphere Riverside or  Hills side is also good for meditation.
*everything should be done with spiritual fevour.
*sit in any meditative pose padmasana siddhasana or sukhasana.
*concentrate on nose tip label centre or Heart Centre with half closed eyes observe breathing whether it is uniform and slow.
*sincerity of purpose is the secret of successful in spiritual seeking.

Meditation is science of mind. The  tension of physical mental and emotional or removed by meditation.

In yoga, asanas and Pranayama comes first in order to get rid of physical tensions to eliminate toxins and to have balance of hormonal secretions.
meditation is accomplished when there is feeling of relaxation.

Samadhi -

Samadhi  is last part of ashtanga yoga of Maharshi Patanjali.
Samadhi is superconsciousness. from Samadhi emerges enlightment.

Samadhi is a state where there in- where there is consciousness only of the object the presence of the subject being negated.

Dharana  dhyana and Samadhi these  constitutes a great mastery to achieve the enlightment of light.

The minds becomes pure, acquire strength to face any situation without affliction of emotions like- fear anxiety nervousness.

one feels calm and peaceful.

Pragnya -

the higher consciousness becomes profound knowledge and the meditation Rises beyond his ordinary state of ego.

He begins to see the Cosmic meaning involved in every object and experience he Rises beyond the trade triad of seer, seen and sight. This is the state of Samadhi.

A practitioner becomes established in his essential nature of divinity.

when the NIYAMA and Eshwara pranidhana is perfected he develops trust in DIVINE will and surrender to God.

Prajna the wisdom gradually leads him on the state of stitha Pragnya.

In  this present Millennium a change is required to promote the climate and environment for the blossoming of such elevated personalities and guide the mankind to build a peaceful society.

(an article written by Smitha Krishna)

Santoshkumar B Pandey at 10.35Pm.


  1. You are really an inspirational and an awakening worker of India. the vlog is informative thank you so much.

    1. Jai Shri Ramji , Dhanywad 💞🕉️🙏 for your kindly words 😊


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